Working remotely since 2020 hit, you’d think it would be simple to make time to work out during the day. I should have plenty of time to focus on fitness, right? But the truth? Even with no commute, work can easily take over my day. My job at a small startup is demanding, often stretching into the evening. By the time I’m done, I feel drained, and working out is the last thing on my mind.
A mentally demanding job doesn’t just wear you out emotionally—it affects you physically too. That’s why I had to find a sustainable way to fit exercise into my routine without disrupting my schedule or overwhelming myself.
How I Make Time to Work Out
Waiting until after work? A disaster. By then, dinner is calling my name, followed by a long soak and a good book, and then binging my current show as I unwind for the evening. Needless to say, my energy (and enthusiasm) for working out is long gone.
I quickly realized that my best shot at consistency was making time to work out out during lunch. It’s a natural break in the day, and exercising helps me reset mentally before tackling the afternoon.
Here’s my simple lunchtime workout routine:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 15 minutes of cardio + 15 minutes of strength training
- Tuesday, Thursday: 15 minutes of cardio
To be honest, some days, I just don’t feel like it. However, given this well-defined routine, I’m able to push through anyway, and I always realize that I feel better after the workout.
Keeping It Simple at Home
A basic home gym makes all the difference for me (you can read about my setup here). Having everything within arm’s reach means I never waste time driving to the gym or waiting for machines.
Cardio – 15 Minutes
I stick to 15 minutes on the elliptical at a challenging pace. Over time, I’ve found mental tricks that help me push through (check them out here).
Strength Training – 15 Minutes
I keep my strength workouts simple with bodyweight exercises and dumbbells:
- Tricep dips using a bench
- Bicep curls (seated or standing variations)
- Dumbbell bench press
- Chair abs
After my workout, a quick shower resets me for the rest of the workday. Zoom calls don’t come with smell-o-vision, but I still like to keep it professional!
Quick & Healthy Lunches Help Save Time to Work Out
With only 15–20 minutes to eat, I keep lunch simple yet nutritious. On cardio-only days, I sometimes stretch this to 20 minutes, but I stick to quick, satisfying meals that align with my fitness goals.
My go-to lunch options:
- Tuna sandwich – Simple, high in protein (see my simple recipe here)
- Low-sugar fruits – Natural energy boost
- Low-fat mozzarella sticks – A protein-packed snack
- Nuts – Healthy fats and fiber to keep me full
I Rest on Weekends
I stick to my workout schedule Monday through Friday, but weekends are generally for rest. This doesn’t mean I sit around all day (okay … sometimes I do). I enjoy window shopping, and I get a few extra steps by parking farther away from the store entrance. When the weather is nice, I might take a walk through the park on a Saturday. The key is that I take it easier on the weekends and allow my body (and mind) time to recover.
Another discovery I made is that by keeping my workout routine during the weekdays, I am more likely to stick to it. This is because the weekdays are more structured, so they are better suited to following a routine such as working out at lunch. Weekends are less structured for me, which makes it easier for working out to fall off my radar.
The Benefits of My Lunchtime Workout Routine
Making time to work out in the middle of the day does more than keep me fit:
- Breaks up the monotony of sitting at my desk
- Reduces stress and boosts productivity
- Keeps me consistent without overwhelming my schedule
I never thought I’d enjoy lunchtime workouts, but they’ve become one of the best parts of my day. If you’re struggling to fit fitness into your routine, start small. Even 15 minutes a day can make a big difference.
For me, this routine has been life-changing—and a big part of how I lost 80 pounds in six months. They say, “Never say never,” but… I’m never going back!
How Do You Make Time to Work Out?
I once thought that I just didn’t have time to fit working out into my busy day. However, once I got determined to improve my health, I took a step back and found a way to make it work. I know that lunchtime workouts may not be an option for everyone, but there’s something for everyone. It’s all about discovering what works for you. What’s your trick? How do you make time to work out? Let me know in the comments below.
Did you get any inspiration from this post? Let me know how you will incorporate working out into your week, or if you have any other tips.